Page name: Cutters Poetry [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-13 21:36:33
Last author: iCh3wi
Owner: deathly ~*~ beautiful
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2005-06-05 [iCh3wi]: Finally, I have finished this wiki. I have been planning on making it for a long time now, and tada! It's finally done.

2005-06-05 [Just Juliah]: yay yaye!!! wiki time!

2005-06-06 [Juggalette Ryda]: hi.... can i join?

2005-06-06 [Just Juliah]: yep you sure can! just add your name on this list--->Cutters Poetry Members<---

2005-06-06 [Juggalette Ryda]: ok thankz...

2005-06-06 [Just Juliah]: n/p

2005-06-06 [Juggalette Ryda]: ooo i have tons of my poems on cutting.... lol... i just have to find them

2005-06-06 [iCh3wi]: Lol, good, please add them. If we get enough poems, Ill divide it into seperate pages for each member.

2005-06-06 [Juggalette Ryda]: well see i have my own poetry section so ill just get them from there.... but it has to do with cutting and sucide and all that right???

2005-06-06 [iCh3wi]: It doesnt have to, most of mine does, so I just add it. You can post anything you want really, as long as you made it

2005-06-06 [Juggalette Ryda]: oh ok.... well umm can i show u the poems first before i post them... just to see if they are "proper" enough??

2005-06-06 [Pearl Phoenix]: Hey mind if i join?

2005-06-06 [iCh3wi]: Go ahead and join anna. Send me a copy Freaky and Ill read them. Im sure you can post it most likely.

2005-06-06 [Pearl Phoenix]: A copy of what? A poem?

2005-06-06 [iCh3wi]: oh, that message was for another member, not you anna

2005-06-06 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol... ok ill send u a couple thur PM....

2005-06-06 [Pearl Phoenix]:, sorry! :P

2005-06-06 [iCh3wi]: ok

2005-06-06 [Juggalette Ryda]: i sent them to u

2005-06-06 [Juggalette Ryda]: soo... what did u think about them??

2005-06-06 [iCh3wi]: They are perfectly ok! My favorite is Broken Innocence. Im making your page now, Ill message you when its ready ok?

2005-06-06 [Juggalette Ryda]: uhhh ok.... lol... but thankz

2005-06-06 [shardae le fae]: I joined.

2005-06-06 [iCh3wi]: YAY!!! Welcome.

2005-06-06 [shardae le fae]: *smiles* yay!

2005-06-07 [Juggalette Ryda]: anyone here?

2005-06-07 [shardae le fae]: I am.

2005-06-07 [Juggalette Ryda]: whats up?

2005-06-07 [shardae le fae]: Not much...(advertisment: The Crisis Center If you cut and you would like to stop, come here, we'll help.) You?

2005-06-07 [Juggalette Ryda]: same here just not feelin so well...

2005-06-07 [shardae le fae]: I should come to The Crisis Center it was just opened today.

2005-06-07 [Juggalette Ryda]: no thankz

2005-06-07 [iCh3wi]: *feels scared of new wiki*

2005-06-07 [Juggalette Ryda]: im not... i have my own professional help and hes a real big help to me... he helps me thur everything

2005-06-07 [shardae le fae]: OKay, well it's there if anyone needs it. Even if you're not willing to stop, I understand, as I am suprised I actually am trying.

2005-06-07 [Juggalette Ryda]: well thankz but if i do ill go

2005-06-07 [shardae le fae]: Okay, are you?

2005-06-07 [Juggalette Ryda]: im good just pukin blood... lol... you?

2005-06-07 [shardae le fae]: hoping my wiki won't go to waist

2005-06-07 [Juggalette Ryda]: oh believe me it wont

2005-06-07 [shardae le fae]: really? you think'll be a success?

2005-06-07 [Juggalette Ryda]: yup it think it will be a success... it might not be right off the bat but ppl will be coming

2005-06-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey everyone..what are yall talking about?

2005-06-07 [Juggalette Ryda]: nothin really just talkin about the crisis center thing

2005-06-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: what exactly is the crisis center ?

2005-06-07 [Juggalette Ryda]: i guess its a place u can express ur feelings and get help on stuff... lol

2005-06-08 [iCh3wi]: I am trying to quit cutting, don't misunderstand me when I said I was scared of that wiki. I have my own way of relieving my stress, and my girlfriend [Darkness Guardian] is helping me try to quit.

2005-06-08 [Juggalette Ryda]: thats good silenced hope the cuttin goes well for ya

2005-06-08 [iCh3wi]: Same here, so how is everyone doing today? I have to go to school tomorrow, even though it's summer and schools out. I have to wear tons of bracelets to cover my cut marks, my teacher hates cutting and threatens to take me to the counselor a lot.

2005-06-08 [Juggalette Ryda]: my cut marks on my wrists r fading but the ones on my stomach is really showable... but ya...well that anit bad as gettin hit by a teacher for doin it in class

2005-06-08 [iCh3wi]: Hmmm, guess nott. I don't cut for a while, my life gets better, the scars go away. Then, something bad happens, the cutting starts back, and the scars are re-opened. Then, its like a cycle, everything happens again.

2005-06-08 [Juggalette Ryda]: yup same here.... something bad happens or go wrong i cut no matter what... but if somethin good happens well uhh has to depend on what is is... but my buddy Tj is the one that keeps me away most of the time... he actually threaten if i said i was gonna commit suicide again is that he will cut himself and make me watch until i say i wont.... NOW THATS A REAL FRIEND... he doesnt cut but he said if itll work he'll do it for i wont die

2005-06-08 [iCh3wi]: That is a good friend. What I hate most is when you have friends that but, but when they see you cut, they YELL at you and call you stupid and shit, lecturing you on your choices. Then, when they cut, ITS OK for them. Those are not true friends.

2005-06-08 [Juggalette Ryda]: yup those are not true friends at all... thats why i really dont have no friends now.. b/c i cut... but forget them.. as long as i Tj im ok

2005-06-08 [Kathren]: I had to stop cutting for a lot of reasons. Now I end up being the one to stop others from doing so. I seem to be the one others want to come to about their problems and I don't mind helping them, but I'm afraid when it's a member of my family. I spent last week on suicide watch guard but after I told her that if she did something to herself that I was going to one up her. I told her I was going to go back to the house and put a gun in my mouth. She laughed at me until I started to go back to the house. She believed me then. And when I told her that after I was dead, she was going to have to write to my beloved and tell him why I was dead, she made a drastic change. 

2005-06-08 [Juggalette Ryda]: wow.... thats all i gotta say is wow lol

2005-06-08 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah well i feel really bad because i used to cut,but my best friend started yellingg at me,then one day she started cutting and cut a main blood vessel in her wrist and had to go to the hospital,ever since then i stoppped cutting,i hate to see my friends do it,its scarey when your best friend almost dies from it and your the one that got her to start...

2005-06-08 [Juggalette Ryda]: yup that is scary.... i know that for a fact

2005-06-08 [iCh3wi]: Yes, it is.

2005-06-08 [Juggalette Ryda]: another thing is the suicide and to take ur death slowly.... LIKE PILLS.... mmm... pills

2005-06-08 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: tryed that..just got really fucked up and couldnt stand for a while..

2005-06-08 [Juggalette Ryda]: i guess u didnt take enough

2005-06-08 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,well i took like a hand i thought it was enough..i didnt even know what the fuck it was..

2005-06-08 [Juggalette Ryda]: well it depends on how many mgs there were in it.... or w/e its called...

2005-06-08 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah friend is a druggie,she does triple has 500mgs in it..she keeps track of how many mgs she takes so she knows wetrher shes gonna fail a drug test on not..

2005-06-08 [Juggalette Ryda]: oh ok i just had to check how the abbrevations were... lol... i got these pills that has 800 per pill.... those knock ya off ya feet

2005-06-08 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,yeah,i took this pill once it was like an anti depressant,it was 500mgs and i took 2 of those and i was fucked up..for a lil wore off in a couple trying to get more..

2005-06-08 [Juggalette Ryda]: ooo kool i want some i want some... lol... mmmmmm

2005-06-08 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: its called neproxin..i think i spelled it rite,i was depressed so my bud brought me them and i felt...happy and um..fucked best combo!

2005-06-08 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol that is the best combo... the thing i have thats 800 mgs is this thing for high blood pressure stuff.... well it works lol

2005-06-09 [kdfjhg]: so i tried adding myself but im such a dumbass... *sigh* also have some shitty poetry so yea..

2005-06-09 [Juggalette Ryda]: hmmm i dunno how u did that when u added urself... hmm but u can still add poetry... no one anit gonna make fun of it...

2005-06-09 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: how do you create a page for your poetry?like your freaky?

2005-06-09 [Juggalette Ryda]: i dunno... silened did it

2005-06-09 [kdfjhg]: i want to know also... i have a bunch of shitty-ass poems... pplz say i should be a writer but i say fuck that.

2005-06-09 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..i guess ill have to ask silenced did he get so smart bout this stuff?

2005-06-09 [kdfjhg]: wish i was smart....*sigh*

2005-06-09 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: smart about dumb i just dont know this place very learning..or trying to learn..

2005-06-09 [kdfjhg]: i just don't know how to make seperate links off of your house... i don't know how to get more pictures up either... :(

2005-06-09 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..i know how to do some links..but no clue how to put pics in ur discription...of alot of stuff..

2005-06-09 [Juggalette Ryda]: when u put picks in all u do is take the http:// thing and copy and paste... then you put <*img: (w/o star) at the begginging then > at the end

2005-06-09 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: gonna tryt that some time..

2005-06-09 [Juggalette Ryda]: uhhh lol ummm lol yaaaaa

2005-06-09 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: um ,ok..if u say so

2005-06-09 [Juggalette Ryda]: i do say so.... blah.... lol... its the same wayz as the banners...

2005-06-09 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..ok t5hanks ill try iy..

2005-06-10 [kdfjhg]: no, not the description... in the place above that.. i want to learn!

2005-06-10 [Juggalette Ryda]: oh where it sayz photo images... well i cant explain that... sry

2005-06-10 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i can..i understand it..message me and ill tell you..

2005-06-11 [iCh3wi]: Sorry I haven't left any comments, just got back from camping with my girlfriend. Attention New Members: If you want to have a page to post your poems, you must message me with a copy of youre poems, then I will create a page for you and send you your password.

2005-06-11 [kdfjhg]: that would be spiffy... let me go get them and type them up for you.. although most of them have been when i've been... yea... lets just leave it at that.

2005-06-11 [iCh3wi]: Ok Miranda, I'm making your page right now.

2005-06-11 [kdfjhg]: oh thankyou!

2005-06-11 [iCh3wi]: Ok, finished it, I'll message you.

2005-06-11 [kdfjhg]: thanks alot ^_^

2005-06-11 [Veela Vamp Witch]: ummm if i give u (richard) some poems can u make me my own page?

2005-06-11 [Juggalette Ryda]: hi hi everyone :P

2005-06-11 [shardae le fae]: hello

2005-06-11 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: uh..crowe..i have like 60 something poems...not on the computer but in my room in a binder...yeah...

2005-06-11 [iCh3wi]: Ok, Veela and loud silence, I am making yall's pages now.

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey i have a question what do we do when our page you made us says its getting too big?because mine said that..then i deleted some space between lines,but if i add another poem itll say that again..

2005-06-12 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: ignore it?

2005-06-12 [shardae le fae]: Make exteneded pages

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: how do you do that?

2005-06-12 [shardae le fae]: Make a new wiki

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: corwe did mine 4 do i type in "a loud silence poems page 2" or something like that?

2005-06-12 [shardae le fae]: yep

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ok,cool ill do that next time i add a poem...thanks!

2005-06-12 [Just Juliah]: i think i am going to commit suicide

2005-06-12 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: why?

2005-06-12 [Just Juliah]: iam unlove and uncared for i'm hated and teased some say i am a mistake..

2005-06-12 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: if i were you i would jsut prove them wrong

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: who gives a sh** what every one else says,it only matters what you think,ive learned that the hard me..

2005-06-12 [Juggalette Ryda]: same here .... i dont care what ppl think and you shouldnt either.... AND TO SAY PPL THAT MAKE FUN OF PPL NEED TO DIE.... its not right at all

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: nah,ppl who talk sh** about others are just jerks and want to feel better about thewm selves so they talk sh** about others to make them feel better,then they get mad when some one else does it to them..theyre all just hypocrits ,dont listen to them..

2005-06-12 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol that is true silence...

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i know,hehe i feel smart..but that one i figured out from observations,if everyone just minded there own business and stoped getting intro others the world would be alot less violent and stressful!

2005-06-12 [Juggalette Ryda]: yup yup true true... lol... i a gettin tired of puttin my poems in... and i already have a page for my poems.. .lol

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..i had to make another page because i ran outa room,i have like 60 poems...thats gonna take me a while to finish getting them all in...

2005-06-12 [Juggalette Ryda]: ehh it sayz my page is gettin to big too... oh well ... i think that is all im adding to this wiki anywayz

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,im gonnatry and add all mine that way if i lose some or they get ruined they will always be here...but im just adding the good ones,a few of mine suck a** so im not gonna humiliate my self and put them up..

2005-06-12 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol well its ok... i think everyones is good... everyone has their own way of writing... i dont judge no one on their writings... nope never

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,you dont even complinent it?lol..i respect that,i hate getting messages saying stuff like dude you were gonna kill your self?you need help...or what was your poem about?i didnt get it...but i liked it..stuff like that..its nice when ppls compliment me but it doesnt matter to me...

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: in a way poetry is like reading into someones soul,revealing their deepest darkest emotions and thoughts...

2005-06-12 [Juggalette Ryda]: ya i compliment it... i meant that i dont give bad comments out on their writings... all poetry is .. is mosty a way to express ur self at that time of writing so i dont look at it in a bad way....

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,yeah i know..i understand what you mean,i used to be really shy about letting ppl read my stuff but now i could care know?

2005-06-12 [Juggalette Ryda]: ya i know what you mean... im not shy at all for letting ppl read my stuff... its my thoughts and if they dont like it... thats just them... but if you want to read anymore of my poems u can read them at Freak03's Poems... cuz im not gonna add more to this wiki

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol.ok ill read em in a biti have a window open to heck messages and a window open to add poems..i think if i have one more opened to the same site things might get messed up...

2005-06-12 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol well dont do that....

2005-06-12 [kdfjhg]: i suck at writing. i suck at drawing. i suck at everything. i don't care.

2005-06-12 [Juggalette Ryda]: oh w/e dont think negitive about u or ur stuff... you dont suck at anything it is just ur way of writing, drawing and all... but its urs and its urs to urself

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: miranda..why do you say that?is it because every one else does or what?you shouldnt say that,everyone hasd something they are good at...yes even you and dont deny it..

2005-06-12 [kdfjhg]: i am good at nothing. i am a silent ghost that every1 used to know

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: why dont they know you now?

2005-06-12 [kdfjhg]: i don't even know myself anymore. no one talks to me.. if they do they want something and i give it to them. everything i have is taken/used. but i don't care. it's peace, not violence that i want. if it'll prevent something i will give watever i can.

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: im talking to you and i dont want something..see..not everyone is ill not atleast...i hate when ppl talk them selves down....i just wish they could see that there is something good about everyone even them..

2005-06-12 [kdfjhg]: i haven't cared about myself for 5 years now. i have been depressed that long. i've been on 3 different kinds of anti-depressants and i've been to the hospital once (so far) for cutting too deep. i have been cutting myself for 2 years... i have attempted to bleed my life away more than once. and silence, not to be a horrible sounding (i am a horrible person you see) but you don't know me. and if you really talked to me, in person... it would be different

2005-06-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: well im sorry you feel that way sweety,i wish you wouldnt feel that bf is on anti depressants...and i think i might need them..i dunno,i just wish you could see that there is something good about your self,but w/e ill leave you alone...

2005-06-12 [kdfjhg]: i don't need to be left alone.. if anything thats the last thing i need. i simply said that you don't know me... yet ^_^ and anti-depressants are just pills that you take. they don't work, im talking from experience

2005-06-12 [Juggalette Ryda]: well im here again.... i know exactly how you feel miranda. ... i have been thur with everything... but i like everyone.. and i also hate it when ppl talk themsevles down eventho i do it to myself... i help ppl and ima good advice giver... so anytime you need help just message me and ill try to help you... i dont want you to die... eventho i dont know you personaly i still dont want you too

2005-06-12 [kdfjhg]: well, gave a little fucking speech up there.. i talk too damn much

2005-06-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...yeah like frewaky said,im sorry miranda..its just,yeah nvm...look if you need or want to talk anytime,just message me,ive had so many friends that suffered from depression,i have a couiple times too..i tried to kill my self once but it didnt work so i decided fu** whatevery one else says ort thinks,im just gonna have fun,u like me kool,u dont,then dont talk to me..thats the way i am now,i get along with everyone as long as theyre nice to me..i gave up on careing what every one else thought about me and after that i wasnt as depressed...and i would like to get to know you,other than you talking your self down,u seem like a pretty cool person..

2005-06-13 [kdfjhg]: i don't care wat others think of me. everyday i get up, find clothes on the floor and go to skool. maybe do *things* in the morning... if anyone invites me or remembers me.

2005-06-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: wow i never realized how long my message was...anyways, many licks does it take to get to the tootsie in a tootsie roll pop?

2005-06-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i have been adding poems all day,so far i have 4 pages...i wonder how many i will have when im done...hmmmm....

2005-06-13 [kdfjhg]: summer skool sux ass

2005-06-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: u just figured that out?i've known it since kindergarden...hehe,i have an online stalker...oh wait thats bad..

2005-06-13 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol u guyz have summer school... lol.. we dont in florida

2005-06-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: we have summer school in texas but you have to pay for it..

2005-06-13 [Juggalette Ryda]: oh damn.... the only "summer school" here is when you dont pass the FCAT then you have to go for a week and take a test... well thats for high school... no high schools in florida has summer school

2005-06-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: we have TAKS tests....and if you dont pass them you have to take a special class next year in place of an elective....and if you fail like one class and you want the credit so you wont have to take it next year you have to pay for summer school,and certain electives that are required to graduate you can pay to take the class in summer school..

2005-06-13 [Juggalette Ryda]: ya somewhat the same here... lol

2005-06-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..i think its dumb to pay to go to school if you dont want to..

2005-06-13 [Juggalette Ryda]: yup yup........................but oh well

2005-06-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: anyways..i have 4 pages full of poetry and then i gave up,i got tired of typing them all up..

2005-06-13 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol good for you.... wheeeee lol

2005-06-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i didnt just say

2005-06-13 [Juggalette Ryda]: ya you did say that

2005-06-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: no i didnt ,you cant prove it..

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